“‘Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord.”
Jeremiah 29:12-14

Our Loving heavenly father says that if we seek him we will find him. Come and join with us in worshiping the Lord 


SUNDAY WORSHIP -Sunday morning we will have the worship Online. Kindly visiit our Youtube Channel Lahai Roi Ministries - WMM and join us in worship.

YOUTH MEETING -Every Tuesday Evening from 7:00pm to 8:00pm we will have our Youth Fellowship Online in Zoom.

PRAYER FOR NATION - From 7:00pm to 9:00pm with family lets join online in prayer every Wednesday.

VBS 2021 (TAG21)- Virtual Vacation Bible Schhol this year will be conducted in online both Zoom and youtube. The theme will be TAG21. Click here to know more

Audio Sermons

Give Sacrifice unto the Lord - Pastor D. Daniel.


I was born and brought up in Salem, a district in Tamil Nadu, India. My work was to brew alcohol illegally at home and to sell them. Because of my trade, I too became an alcoholic along with my friends. Since I had been getting intoxicated, problems started arising within my family. Further more, my entire village had this trade of brewing illegal alcohol. And because of all these stress my entire family decided to commit suicide, but God by His grace saved us through our neighbours. I had started to fail at everything I did.

After some time I went to Delhi for my brother-in-law's wedding and instantly felt connected to the city. Therefore, I shifted my entire family to Delhi. Even then there was no peace at home. Problems due to alcoholism and debt increased. Again I failed in my efforts. Again, on a certain day I had decided to commit suicide with my entire family when on that very day a person came to my house, who was a christian relative of mine. And after spending some time with him I had a thought to go to Church once before I end my life. I asked him to take me along with him to Church. That very same day (5.4.2002 friday evening at 7:00pm) I attended the Church for a prayer. Everyone who had gathered prayed for me. Following which I started to read the Bible and the Lord started speaking to me. I was delivered from alcoholism and debt. God filled me with peace and happiness. Through God's grace my entire family got saved. 

God helped my children to study well. He helped my both daughters to get married. Everyone along with my grandchildren are doing well in Chirst by His grace. I give all glory and honour unto His holy name. Amen.

Paul Chandran